Draft of cover and pages inside as example of Option 4: basic feature + 3 full-page additional samples of work (line below) Who's Who in Visual Art | 100 Top Fine Artists of Our Day . 2020 The book is edited by Ulrich Goette Himmelblau who has been dealing with art for more than 20 years. He is known as founder and donor of a yearly given art award and as former curator and gallerist in Spain and Germany and he can be referred to as appreciator and expert of the fine arts. "Who's Who in Visual Art" is aimed at the collector of contemporary fine art. 100 artists in alphabetical order: a selection designed as recommendation, source and challenge for the enthusiastic art buyer. In the vast jungle of the contemporary art market, this book offers orientation and a clearly defined selection of works of artists who distinguish themselves through solid technique and originality. The volume is limited to max. 100 entries, and it contains biographical and professional information about each listed fine artist. The text listings are accompanied by up to 4 samples of artwork.
               © 2004 - 2020  BY ART DOMAIN GROUP - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ABOUT US The Feature: Entries are arranged in alphabetical order referring to the surname of the artist. Prefaced by a self-edited artist's statement, each listing contains all important biographical information as for the topics CO.=Nationality/Country, M.=Medium, S.=Subject as for artwork, C.=Artwork in Public resp. Private Collections, E.=Important Exhibitions; AE.=Art Education; AA.=Art Awards; P.=Publications. A portrait photo and up to 4 samples of artwork in high print quality along with the artist’s signature and web address complete the entry. Further Data: Expected Publication Date: 3rd / 4th quarter 2020 Size 19 x 21 cm. Approx. 250 pages. Printed on matt high quality paper, 150g/qm. Presentation at Frankfurt and Leipzig Book Fair Distribution: The books are sold via bookstores worldwide in the English-speaking and German-speaking countries (Germany, Austria, Switzerland). They are further sold online at Amazon.de, Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk, AbeBooks.com and others. or directly from Art Domain Whois Publisher at: info(at)whoispublisher.com Go to the website:   Selection of Artists The number of listings is strongly limited. Artists to be indexed in Who`s Who in Visual Art will be selected by the publisher only. However, you may suggest an artist for the upcoming issues by using the provided email form. Just click here: Suggest an Artist